Home » Business » Marketing » Maya is shopping on a company’s website. Maya spends twenty minutes trying to change the item amounts she would like to purchase. Why is it important for the company to measure how long Maya spends on a page? Q: Practice More Questions From: The customer journey and the marketing funnel Created with Fabric.js 4.6.0 Practice More Questions Data Analysis 2000+ Qs Machine Learning 1000+ Qs Created with Fabric.js 4.6.0 Similar Questions A visual representation of the process through which people go from first learning about a brand to becoming loyal customers is called what? Select all that apply. What are the stages of a simple marketing funnel? Select four. Which is an awareness tactic to reach potential customers? In the awareness stage, why is it important to measure impressions, reach, and frequency? Imagine that a bakery establishes an online presence and posts ads on various social media sites, but their ads are not attracting new customers. How can digital marketing help the bakery thrive online? Why is the customer journey important for digital marketing? What is a marketing funnel? Fill in the blank: The top of the funnel is the _____ stage, which is when a potential customer encounters a brand for the first time. Which are conversion tactics? Select all that apply. Why is it important to measure conversion in the marketing funnel? How can a digital marketing strategy get customers to come back for an additional purchase? Arjun is shopping online at a few different retailers. He has added items to his cart at each store. But instead of completing any of these purchases, he steps away from his computer, leaving his cart full of products. Why is it important for online companies to measure these instances of cart abandonment? Fill in the blank: Digital marketing helps online companies stand out from the competition by _____. Fill in the blank: A successful digital marketing strategy helps to build _____. Why are customer journey maps important for digital marketers? Which outcomes does the top of the marketing funnel increase? Select two. How can a digital marketing strategy build customer trust and loyalty in a company’s brand? There are two marketing managers. One manager has their team focus on figuring out how to sell more products. The other manager has their team focus on helping customers address pain points and achieve their goals. The first manager’s approach is about the company’s goals. What is the second approach about? Fill in the blank: Digital marketers use each interaction a customer has had with their brand along their purchase experience to create a _____, which helps companies understand how and why customers are interacting with their business. Fill in the blank: Companies should provide clear and useful content and experiences, so leads can easily find answers and take action, making _____ more likely. A customer makes an online purchase. First, they discover the product. Then, they find answers to their questions, decide to make the purchase, and recommend the product to others. Fill in the blank: It is important to _____ outcomes at each stage of the funnel because it allows a company to find out what they are doing right, what they are doing wrong, and where they could improve. Why does digital marketing first focus on reaching potential customers? How does a marketing funnel differ from a customer journey map? Fill in the blank: During the _____ stage of the marketing funnel, some potential customers will become leads. Maya is shopping on a company’s website. Maya spends twenty minutes trying to change the item amounts she would like to purchase. Why is it important for the company to measure how long Maya spends on a page? Created with Fabric.js 4.6.0 Practice More Questions Data Analysis 200+ Qs Machine Learning 100+ Qs